The history of SOVED
initiated in NUEDC Regional A1 UI 2007 when USU (Universitas Sumatera Utara)
and UNILA (Universitas Lampung) gathered and informally talked about how
Sumatran debaters could improve their debating skills. It was a big step that
they wanted to take. The realization, however, was postponed due to some
drawbacks. SOVED stands for Sumatra Overland Varsities English Debate. The
passion to win debates in national level had driven many of Sumatran debaters
back then to learn and decide to create a tournament that allowed Sumatra
Overland debaters to come and participate. A lot of Java debaters were aware of
this initiative, and they had been quite supportive with the idea. The
initiative was brought up, as well, due to the fact that English debating has
always been popular, and in Java, Java Overland Varsities English Debate
(JOVED) has been held annually till today. This inspired the debaters back
then. Therefore, Sumatran debaters wanted to improve as well such
debaters were few compared to Java debaters. It did not mean, however, they
were worse in their critical thinking. It was just the chance to participate in
local competitions were less than what Javanese debaters could join. Going to
the national competitions which were normally dominated by Javanese debaters
sometimes discouraged new Sumatran debaters as they thought they were not as
good, they did not practice enough, and they believe by having SOVED,
proliferation of debating could take place in Sumatra, not just as a short term plan, but sustainable to be
conducted annually.
In 2011, the
SOVED plan was brought up again. Sumatran debaters have increased. They
regularly participated in local and national competitions. Those debaters met
up and had not forgotten about the dream of conducting SOVED. So, here it is,
with the support from UMSU assisted by Medan debaters, this takes place on 30th
January - 2nd February in UMSU. This is a chance for Sumatran
debaters to participate and to improve the qualities.