Welcome to SOVED MEDAN 2013 Website ||Check your yearly debate schedule , SOVED 2013 : 30 Jan -2 Feb 2013

Adjudication Core

Bryan Gunawan - CA

Bryan Gunawan, graduated from Binus University Jakarta, is currently the CEO for On That Point Institute of Artistic Speaking. Envisioning the global liberation of individuals to exercise democratic freedom of expression through artistic speaking methods, he has been actively involved in debating and other speaking fields nationally & internationally since 2001. Several of his notable credentials in competitive debating involve being a two-time top 10 EFL speaker in Worlds, DCA at Asians BP 2011 at NSU Dhaka, Top Judge at Singapore & HongKong Debate Open, and he will become Masters DCA for Chennai Worlds.

Triando S. Frima 

Triando S. Frima, student of Andalas University majoring in Linguistics. He was the 3rd Best Speaker (EFL) in NUEDC 2010, Breaking Adjudicator in NUEDC 2011 and Invited Adjudicator in NUEDC 2012. Since 2008, he has been invited to provide debate trainings, adjudication seminars, and workshops on public speaking and effective communication for various institutions, as well as to take part as A-core in a number of competitions. He is now trying to establish an association of debaters and adjudicators that may help to provide trainers for schools and universities in West Sumatra, Riau and Riau Island.

Catherine Tanoto

Catherine Tanoto studied English Literature at Universitas Sumatera Utara and has participated in a number of local, national and asian level of debate championships. She  was the 3rd best speaker in NUEDC Pimnas 2012 and was the Chief Adjudicator for many debate competitions in Medan. She was also the octofinalist in Arau Debate Open 2009, and was invited as a subsidized adjudicator in NUEDC 2009 at STIESIA Surabaya. She's now working full-time as an english academic coordinator in an International language school in Medan.

Nurul Djanah

Nurul Djanah was previously active as Teknokrat Lampung Debater. She has experiences in various national and international debate tournaments such as South East Asia English Olympic 2011 and Indonesia National University Debating Championship 2011. Where she gain 2 Novice Champion in a raw. She also become Indonesia Delegation for World University Debating Championship in 2012 Worlds Manila.  Today, while she focuses on building her carier, she tries to keep in touch with debating world by adjudicating. Becoming breaking judges consecutively in national and international tournament such as Asian English Olympic 2012 and Indonesia Varsity English Debate 2012, Nurul is trusted to be part of Adjudication Core in national competitions such as Bawor Cup 2012 ( official partner of World University Peace Invitational Debate for Indonesia) and Polinela National Debating Championship. In short, She has been involved in debate tournament both as  participant and adjudicator. As SOVED DCA, she is very excited to work together with All Sumatran Debater in the debut of SOVED to develop debate in Sumatra.

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