It's great to inform you in regards the place where you will stay for the amazing 4 days of celebrating Sumatran Unity in Medan. Here are the things you need to know about the accommodation.
Name of Hotel : Hotel Grand Lubuk Raya
Address : Jl.Martimbang No.1 sisingamangaraja Medan, Medan, Indonesia (Dekat Hotel Garuda Plaza Jl. Sisingamaraja)
Phone : (061) 7321071
The great news that the hotel is located in the center of Medan city. It only takes 5 minutes to get the Grand Mosque Al Mashun simpang Yuki Raya.
Moreover, It also only takes 10 minutes to get the Istana Maimoon or Maimoon Palace.
So, we cannot wait to see you coming to enjoy the SOVEd and to enjoy Medan views and Night life. See you soon in the Great Medan city.
# To more get info in regards accommodation, please feel free to contact Thanthawi : +877 688 933 43